Leaky Homes Exposed 


Learn who's to blame for the disturbing and scarcely believable negligence and coverups that led to the 
Leaky Homes Scandal.

The Timber Processors Are To Blame For Misleading the Builders

When your nearly new house is leaking and rotting, who do you blame first? The builder of course. After all, they built the house, and your contract was with them, so that’s fair enough. However, the big timber processors successful lobbying for widespread use of untreated timber was to blame. This article shows how this happened and why.

NZ Standards Are To Blame - For Untreated Timber

How did we ever end up with houses that rotted as soon as they leaked? Standards New Zealand are to blame because they changed the standards, reducing our well treated framing timber to timber treated with fly spray and then with nothing at all. Even when it became obvious that these changes were wrong, it tooks years to change them back.